Herzog Saul Bellow "Readings"

 Herzog "Readings" (101-163)
     "Have to go back. Not able to stand kindness at this time. Feelings, heart, everything in strange condition. Unfinished business" (108). This note is actually one Herzog leaves for his hosts, the Sisslers. The Unfinished business is what Moses Herzog is after in the entire novel, and certainly could be a major theme of the novel.  The Vineyard Haven not being the place for Moses at this point, he must move on, and return to his home and continue searching within his own element. I have often felt like this many times. I have been places, then all of a sudden I want to leave. Not because the place is dreary or not entertaining, but because there is something left undone somewhere else. Herzog definitely must finish his business. Herzog completely wrapped up in himself leads to a world that on the outside he cannot cope with. He is safer in his own mind and thoughts, and searching for the answers. 
     There are genuinely nice people in this world like the Sisslers, but unfortunately when a character of this magnitude is left with holes to fill they must be the victims.

Herzog "Reading" (164-223)
Herzog "Reading" (224-297)
Herzog "Reading" (298-371)


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