August Wilson's Jitney

 Choosing A Topic...

Working with The Craft of Research I'm taking systematic approach to choosing a topic.

So the question is How to start my project?
Well in the past I usually find interest in a topic that is relativity broad or some question that was bugging me while during my reading of the primary text.

In this case I was interested in an Invisible dominate white character in Jitney that was affecting the decision and action of the African American characters?

So after playing around a bit I came up with this:

Throughout Jitney, August Wilson utilizes a dominate white idealism defined by experiences told through the various generations of African Americans characters while enhancing the difficulty for African Americans to sustain an economic status during the 1970s.  

The problem with this statement is that it is a bit dense. Unclear and hard to navigate so I did some tweaking and finally came up with a clear statement.

I used Idealism and don't really have a clue what that means also I used words such as enhancing and utilizes they got cut I was trying way too hard. 

Next, I did an internet search looking for ideas or discussions on Jitney. 

I found and article in the New York Times that made an interesting claim that I though needed to be expanded upon. Sometimes one just needs "a germ."

Revised and clear statement

Here is the claim.

Throughout Jitney, August Wilson defines African American experience through the various use of generational characters while emphasizing the continued struggle of getting ahead in a white man’s world.

now it was time to asks to the questions....

Why is the invisible white characters such an important role in Jitney?
How does this hidden character effect the physical characters in jitney?
Why were jitney’s a popular for of transportation in the black communities?
Where are the jitney’s now?
Why was the city boarding up building during this time, was it a for safety reasons?
Or was it to continually choke the life out of the economically oppressed African American characters?
Why does August Wilson use a variety of character’s ages in the play?
How does this fit into a literary argument?
Why was this play the beginning of his ten cycle play spanning the twentieth century?
What does booster represent? How is he similar or different than Youngblood?
How does Youngblood contrast with booster’s character?
How does Becker
What is a white man’s world?
How do each one of these characters fit into a generational category?

still generating questions. Stay Tuned.


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